sore breasts during pregnancy

All about Coping with Sore Breasts during Pregnancy

Pregnancy hits every woman with a wide array of bodily changes and complications. One of the most common pregnancy complications is soreness in the breasts. However, all thanks and credits go to an uptick in the female reproductive hormones –estrogen and progesterone. Due to the soreness of your breasts, you can expect your breasts to go up in size and fullness. It is a result of different hormonal changes as your body prepares you for breastfeeding. Here, in today’s blog drafted by the most reputed private ultrasound scan clinic in Cardiff, learn what you need to know about coping with sore breasts during pregnancy.

How to cope with the soreness in your breasts during pregnancy?

  • Buy a good-quality bra: During this time, your breasts need some extra support. For that, you need to purchase a good-quality cotton bra with a lacy underwire, a wide strap, and easy-to-adjust back closures. Especially, during your pregnancy, you need to choose the proper bra to deal with your breast soreness.
  • Sleep with your bra: When a pregnant woman suffers from soreness in her breasts, a little movement can be highly uncomfortable. So, to avoid your breast movements, you can sleep wearing a good-quality sports bra. Before that, ask for your doctor’s permission.
  • Try having cold therapy: Applying a frozen gel or ice pack to your breasts can help relieve swelling and pain temporarily. However, just make sure to keep a thin towel between your breasts and anything that is frozen to protect yourself from any skin damage.
  • Take a soothing shower when it is necessary: Did you know that warmth can help relieve tension and relax sore chest muscles? You can wash your nipples gently with warm water but make sure that you avoid harsh soaps that could dry your skin and further irritate that area.
  • Use breast pads: Another way to protect your breasts from soreness is using breast pads. Made of disposable paper or washable cotton, breast pads can create a helpful buffer between your breasts and your bra. So, give them a try!
  • See your doctor: If all these aforementioned tactics are not working correctly, ask your healthcare provider for professional help. Your doctor might help you with some pain relievers.

Just like experiencing fatigue, developing stretch marks, and suffering from morning sickness, having sore breasts is a common part of pregnancy. So, cope with it as you have no other options left. Together, visit a private ultrasound scan clinic in Cardiff and keep a thorough track of your unborn baby’s growth and development.