Tag: Baby Gender Scan Clinic Cardiff

What Exercises Should You Do During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a wonderful experience in the life of mother .Pregnancy comes with its ups and downs. Many complications arise during pregnancy. Some of the severe complications lead to birth defects. This can be prevented by prenatal care. Prenatal care is characterized by taking vitamins, supplements and exercises. Exercises can be done on a regular […]

5 Pregnancy Hacks Every Woman Should Know

Pregnancy means a lot of struggle and a lot of challenges that you face every day for the next nine months. There are several data that you should know regarding your pregnancy and your baby. You must get an early pregnancy scan to know that your baby is growing normally. But, even if everything is […]

Why Growth Scan Is Needed During the 2nd Trimester of Pregnancy?

While your baby keeps growing, you will require keeping a check on the growth of your baby from time to time. A growth scan is required to do exactly that. A growth scan offer is needed for various reasons during pregnancy. A growth scan also offers to check the normal development of the fetus growing […]