Category: Health

5 Common Miscarriage Misconceptions Busted

Statistics claim that an estimated 23 million miscarriages occur worldwide every year. Even, professionals of a baby scan clinic in Watford opine that miscarriages are so common these days that 1 out of 10 women might face a miscarriage over a lifetime. Unfortunately, despite being so common nowadays, miscarriage is surrounded by various myths and […]

Common Infections That Every Pregnant Woman Should Know

Pregnancy can change a woman’s immune system, making her more prone to certain infections. Some infections can pose risks to both the mother and the developing fetus. Pregnant women need to take precautions to prevent infections and seek medical attention from a Fetal Wellbeing Scan clinic in Aylesbury if they suspect they have an infection. […]

8 Reasons Why You Should Not Skip Your Prenatal Scans

Prenatal scans, also known as prenatal ultrasounds, play a crucial role in monitoring the health and development of the baby during pregnancy. Skipping these scans can potentially lead to missed opportunities for identifying and addressing any issues that may arise. This blog, penned by the professionals of a reputable baby scan clinic in Hitchin focuses […]

Why dentists and ENT doctors should collaborate more?

Dentists, also known as oral health professionals, and Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) doctors (otolaryngologists) can benefit from collaborating more closely due to the interconnected nature of the oral and upper respiratory systems. Here is why such collaboration is beneficial – Let’s listen to an ENT specialist in Kolkata.   Shared Anatomy and Functionality: Did […]

NIPT And The Concerns Regarding Routinization

Though NIPT has proven to be a game-changer in prenatal care, concerns have risen about its routinization for all expectant mothers. In this blog post, we will learn about all the primary benefits of having nipt tests in London and the ethical concerns associated with their widespread integration into routine prenatal screening tests in the […]

Sleep Care for Older People – Tips from an ENT specialist in Kolkata

Old age requires special attention whether it is about having a balanced meal or maintaining a good sleep schedule. However, according to the Best Sleep Specialist in Kolkata, sleep care for older people is highly crucial for maintaining their overall health and well-being. As individuals age, changes in sleep patterns and quality can occur, often […]

All About The Gender Blood Test Home Kit

There are reputable and easily accessible home kits available for blood testing to determine gender. The most popular techniques for identifying the gender of the fetus are non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), a blood test carried out in a clinical environment, and ultrasound. It’s crucial to remember that knowledge and technology are dynamic and that things […]

5 Important Purposes of GBS Testing

Testing for Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is a crucial part of prenatal treatment for expectant mothers. Some people may have GBS bacteria in their vaginal or rectal region without experiencing any symptoms. But during labor, it can spread to the infant and cause dangerous illnesses. Testing for GBS is crucial to identify problems and take […]

Do not get fooled by the 6 common myths about tonsilitis

There is hardly an individual who has not suffered from tonsilitis. Tonsilitis is quite a common ENT issue that may disrupt the lives of both children and adults. In spite of being such a common complication, there are several myths that surround tonsillitis, leading to many misconceptions about its causes, symptoms, and treatment. So, it […]

Maternity Fashion Style: Every Mother-to-Be Must Know!

Every woman knows that the pregnancy journey is lovely and they had to go through various changes, especially with their body. And nowadays these Maternity dresses are in trend. Pregnant women’s wardrobes change their own as they set out on this life-changing journey, giving rise to the fascinating world of maternity fashion style. Therefore, in […]